This is the Story about a bridge
Across the Brisbane River.
The bridge my friends is a Story in itself
Designed and built by men so clever!
A 1939 engineering feat so famed
Connected North and South of our town.
The Story Bridge is what it’s named
And is now an icon of some renown!!!
Some scale the structure on the Story Bridge Climb.
Whilst a City Cat cruises below.
They’re seeking a view that is so sublime.
Thundering traffic rumbles over her road.
Before the Bridge life was somewhat rough
On this part of the river, Kangaroo Point.
In 1826 Captain Logan quarried stone Brisbane Tuff
To build his Naval stores on the North Bank point.
Back in 1890 a tunnel down to the stream
Drained a chain of waterholes.
In 1890 another planned engineering dream
A railway yard for supplies would unfold.
So many other things to see
The Shelter Bar amongst them.
Cricket and Aussie Rules at the ‘Gabba
Come with a local to hear all about ‘em
Poem by Gaill Macciocca